
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Best Invention - Ever!

As you recall, last weekend was cold and dreary. I actually had to turn my furnace on. Granted it was on low, but it was on!

Sunday I decided to do absolutely nothing. I still feel like I'm recovering from vacation (I promise, that's the last I mention vacation!), Saturday we were traveling, so Sunday I wanted to do as little as possible.

I got up Sunday morning and that was an accomplishment all on its own. But even with the furnace on, sitting there in my nightshirt I was cold. For lazing around, I usually throw on a pair of shorts under my nightshirt, but it just wasn't cutting it. And I certainly didn't want to put my blue jeans back on.

Ron came up with the great suggestion of putting on a pair of HIS sweat pants! He said there were a few pair in his drawer, and I should help myself. Hmm, sweat pants. Have you ever heard of such a thing? I know Ron rarely wears them, if ever! Who knew such a thing existed!

Let me tell you how wonderful sweat pants are! It's like you're not wearing anything even though you're warm and toasty on a damp chilly day! They are warm and soft, almost like a hug! How could I go 47 years without ever having on a pair of sweat pants!

I so gotta figure out where to buy more of these wonderful inventions! I swear, I've never experienced anything like them before.

If you see me in my new black sweat pants, give a wave! You'll recognize them, they are the black sweat pants that look a lot like the pair Ron used to own!

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