
Friday, September 03, 2010

What I Learned This Week

I may be full of false bravado (as well as a few other things!) but it's all a ruse. I talk a good game but deep down, I'm just a quiet, reserved, happy to be at home kind of gal.

While I do love margaritas (hence the name of the blog!) I'm not much of a drinker any more. Truth be told, I was never a good drinker as I was one of those praising-the-porcelain-god every Friday night kind of people, promising God if he let me live through the night, I'd never drink again. At least until the next Friday. Yeah, those were the days.

So, while I do enjoy an occasional margarita (Luchita's have THE best!), an iced cold Bud Light or a cheap glass of wine, my limit is just one or two. Any more than that and bad things happen to me and I don't clean my toilet as good as I used to. I don't want my face that up close and personal with it any longer! I know, I know. TMI.

Last night I was in the refrigerator getting my snack. I saw a partial bottle of wine that's been in the door for months now. For some reason, I REALLY wanted that wine last night. So I grabbed it. Then, I remembered the warning on the bottle of the medicine I take for the diabetes that warns to NOT drink any alcohol without checking with your doctor or pharmacist.

Ok, I could understand not drinking with pain pills or something like that, but something to control your blood sugar? For real, what could the harm be? Just to be safe, I called my pharmacist before pouring the wine.

I told her my medication as well as the dosage and asked for real, is one glass of wine really that big of a deal. I found out it's more of a deal than I thought.

Alcohol, while it does contain carbs, actually lowers your blood sugar. When you drink, your sugar drops and you appear to be drunk while in fact you are suffering from low blood sugar. She gave me the ok to have a glass of wine, but cautioned about having more than one or two. Also, if I'm going to drink, I should let someone I'm with know that I'm a diabetic so if there is a reaction, we can counter act it. Another suggestion was that if I am drinking alcohol, to eat carbs at the same time to keep my sugar up.

Do you have any idea what great news that was? Not only did I have such a happy day yesterday due to the phone call from Isaiah, but I got to end my day with a glass of wine in my hand and my snack of Utz's pretzel stix. For real! That was one hell of a night!

Yeah, I know, I need a life when THIS is what makes a great night! I think I'll just look at it as, it doesn't take much to make me happy!

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