
Monday, August 23, 2010

That Wasn't Worth It

I gotta tell you, I was trying to reward myself for a job well done on the diet. They say rewards are good to keep you motivated, they just shouldn't be food rewards! Dang, that part sucks!

What's the second best thing to food? Massages! Holy crap, I could feel it already!

I found a local hair salon in Lorain that also offered massages. Unfortunately, this was my only knowledge of the place. I've never had my hair done there, but they offered massages! What more do I need to know? I called and made an appointment.

I was so excited about this appointment that I had the blog already half written telling you how much I loved that massage! Well, since you're not reading THAT blog, perhaps you can guess how this came out!

I am not mentioning the name of the salon since the massage therapist was very nice, even if she didn't give a great massage. Oy vey it wasn't a good massage.

I was a little taken aback when I got to the HAIR SALON and was asked to fill out a medical questionnaire. I was also asked to sign a release so that the "massage therapist" could speak with my doctor directly regarding my treatment. Hello??? It's a freakin' hair salon! All I wanted was a relaxation massage! They need my medical information for this? How do I know if they follow HIPAA laws! Is MY information safe at a salon? C'mon now! Is this crazy or is this just me?!?

Needless to say, I did not fill in any doctor's information. I also claimed to be the picture of health, aside from my back issues. I did want to mention the back issues since I didn't want her rubbing too hard back there but I could sure use a good back rub.

That just wasn't to be!

I'm telling you, she pushed so hard on my neck and shoulders with her thumbs that I just wanted to cry. I have never had a massage where as I was laying on the table, all I could think of is "is she almost done yet?". That's just wrong! I honestly felt beat up when I got out of there and of course, I was much worse over the next few days.

I had my massage on Wednesday evening. It took until Sunday before I could even stand my purse on my shoulder. That is ridiculous, especially when you figure I actually PAID for that much discomfort!

She did want me to book my next appointment with her but I declined, claiming I had to check my schedule first. I wish my ovaries were big enough to just stand there and tell her the truth. The truth was that I was hurting like hell and wanted nothing to do with her any more!

I just went home and sulked. My back hurt more and nothing on me felt good. I was just so disappointed! That just goes to show you: if Ron's not willing to do the rub down, it just shouldn't be done. That was a lot of money spent (yes, I even tipped her like an idiot!) for nothing.

I so need to come up with a better reward for myself! One that's less painful!

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