
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Are Signs

And they still don't seem to help!

I'm telling you, I am getting old. I can't always remember things like I used to! I have adopted a course of action to help me remember things I need to do. Unfortunately, it doesn't always help!

This picture is on my monitor at work. I see it every day and I look right there before I leave at night, when I shut my monitor off. But do I remember? Not always.

It started with the thermostat. I started working here in January. While my brother might like to freeze his balls off, I need a little heat. He lets me turn up the heat to 64 degrees! BUT, before I leave at night, I have to turn it back to 60 where he would prefer it. Ok, some days I remembered, some days I didn't. You get yelled at enough, you want to do what you can to remember!

Then the weather started to warm up. I have a window in my office and it does open. I am on the ground floor, with an open window, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know you need to shut and lock your window before you go. That's a mistake I only made once! While Mike added the reminder to my note shown above on my monitor, I also posted this gem on the door frame of my office. I HAVE to walk by this to leave! I can't miss it!

Now we're in the summer. As much as Mike likes to freeze, he likes to sweat. I don't think he'd ever turn on the a/c if it weren't for me here. I can't do that heat! I need to turn on the air. We've compromised and instead of turning on the air to 73 like I do at home, I have it at 76 here. Better than 90, so I'm not complaining! But, as the energy miser says, I mean as Mike says, no running the a/c if I'm not here! I need to turn it off before I leave! This note is posted next to the front door, right next to the outgoing mail holder. I have to grab all of the mail, the note is right there, hopefully, I remember to turn back around and shut off the a/c! I've forgotten this way more than I would like to admit. Bad. Very bad.

My personal effects are not exempt from my bad memory. Twice now, I've left work and left my purse here! It's not that I have much money in there but that's all I need, to be pulled over for something and not have my purse! Besides, now with the diabetes, I had my pills in my purse. Ok, that part I've fixed and now keep my pills in the bathroom at home. But, how to remember to grab the damn thing before I leave work?

This little gem now sits on my steering wheel in my car. I get in the car, check the note, and check to see if my purse is with me. So far, so good.

Until last Friday.

I got up from my desk:

Window closed - check
A/C off - check
Grabbed the mail - check
Do I have my purse - check

Start the car. Start to back up. Luckily I realized I didn't have my book and I didn't have the bank deposit that was sitting on my desk.


"F" the signs. I need an "I'm leaving work check off sheet".

Damn I'm old.

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