
Friday, August 06, 2010

My Coffee Pot Hates Me

At least that's the way it feels. Granted, some days it's the coffee pot's fault and some days it's my fault.

We have just a plain old Mr. Coffee. In the last few weeks, I have cleaned up spilled coffee and grounds from the counter, the sink, the floor, the dishwasher, my feet, etc. You get the picture!

I really don't like this set up for the coffee pot. First of all, I can't clean it the way I'd like because of the design of this contraption. There is a basket where you put the filter and the coffee in but the basket sits IN the coffee maker. It's hard as heck to clean the spot where the basket sits, and of course while the basket is black, where it sits is white. It's constantly stained like coffee. Ok, that probably bothers no one in the world but me, but that's enough! It bugs ME!

Also, the filter just sits in this basket. A little arm swings over this basket. The water sucks up into this arm from the water reservoir and then the water drips from the front of the arm into the filter with the grounds. I can't tell you how many times the water dripping has caused the filter to fold over, giving you a coffee pot full of grounds.

Um, also, we don't empty the grounds after every pot of coffee. Don't ask me why but we like it that way!

A filter will end up holding four or five days worth of coffee. It's usually only the first pot of coffee in which the filter can fold over letting out all of the grounds. If you get beyond that first pot, you're good to go. Hey, don't laugh at me, this is how we like our coffee! And, it's just plain Maxwell House coffee in there. We're people of simple tastes!

Another feature of this stupid pot is that under the filter basket is a little doo hickey that sticks out. That doo hickey is pressed up when the coffee pot lid is under neath it, letting the coffee drain into the pot. If you take the pot out to pour a cup mid brew, the doo hickey isn't pressed up so the coffee doesn't keep dripping. It stays in the filter until you replace the pot, the lid then pressing up on the doo hickey opening the way to drain the coffee out of the filter into the pot.

Um, if you have one of these, when you wash the coffee pot, make SURE you put the lid back on before you start the coffee. Yeah, a lesson learned the hard way. That happened on a day when there was five days worth of grounds in the filter. The coffee couldn't drain out so it filled up the filter basket then went every where. I do mean every where. There was grounds every where. That was really kinda gross!

On one hand, I think my coffee pot hates me since I swear so much when I'm cleaning up after it. Then again, there is a slim chance that all this is my fault, since I seem to be making coffee with only one eye open in the morning. Nah, that can't be it. It has to be the defective pot!

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