
Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Every once in awhile, we all take our turn walking under a dark cloud. That period when things could really get better, but then again, they could be a lot worse.

My turn started last week. On Wednesday, my brother Phil was leaving for vacation. I was dropping him off at the airport on my way to work. I don't know if I was nervous about Phil missing his flight or what, but I didn't sleep for crap all night. By four a.m. I just gave up and ended up downstairs reading my book.

It makes for a long day when you're up at four in the morning and that's what I was blaming my bleh feeling on all day. Wednesday night we went to dinner with a friend of ours, Billy. We had a great time at Steak on a Stone (I LOVE that place!) but I was wishing I was home in bed.

A little side story here, when I finally did get to go to bed that night, I walked into the bedroom and I had a guest on my pillow! It was a water bug, I don't know what they're really called, but you usually see them in the basement, kitchen or bathroom. Every few months, I'll see one in the house, but I've NEVER seen one in my bedroom! O M G. I screamed so loud, I'm surprised that y'all didn't hear me! Luckily, Ron did hear me and he came running to kill the bug on my freakin' pillow. C'mon people, that's just wrong. If I was feeling like myself, I would have immediately stripped and sanitized my entire bed. As it was, I was happy to put a clean pillow case on the pillow and call it a night. Right there, I should have known something was wrong with me.

Thursday morning I woke up and I was totally feeling like crap. My throat was so sore, it hurt to swallow. I had a cough, congestion and I felt like I was hit by a truck. I thought I could make it though! I texted Mike to tell him that I needed a nap but I would be at work later. I thought a few more hours of sleep should do the trick. I think I was still blaming one bad night's sleep on my feeling this way.

True to my word, I was at work at about 11:30. You know you look like crap when both of my bosses are in the front hall when I walk in and they BOTH tell me to GO HOME! Fine. What a way to hurt a girl's feelings! But, I was in no shape to argue. I looked at my desk with Mike and we decided that nothing couldn't wait until tomorrow. Home I went.

Friday I was a little better but still felt like crap. I stayed home again. I pretty much spent the weekend doing as little as possible.

There were a few other small things that happened while I was under my dark cloud, but like I said, it could have been worse. Now here's looking to the sun shining on my head again! Last night I won $3.00 on the Mega Million drawing so I think my luck is starting to turn around!

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