
Friday, May 07, 2010

I Got A Hobby

Everyone needs a hobby. My friend Linda recently got me started on a new one.

Did you know that there is a whole sweep staking world out there? Once you start looking, they are everywhere! There are publications devoted to nothing but sweeping. There are meetings (I just went to my first one last Sunday!), there are even conventions. I kid you not, it's a whole new world out there!

How many receipts do you get in a week that asks you to go to a website, answer a few questions, and then you're eligible for a prize. I am ALL over it now!

Between the publication, (yes I caved and subscribed to one) the networking and just what I find on my own, this is turning into quite an adventure all on it's own!

As with everything though, there is good and bad. Let's start with the bad.

I first started this hobby back at the end of January. I got one issue of a publication from my friend Linda and I went to town. Some things you can enter on line. Others have to be by mail. Sweep staking fits so into my CDO (obsessive compulsive disorder, but in alphabetical order, the way it should be) because sweeping is full of rules.

For on line, some things you can enter as many times as you want. Others are specific about once per day, once per month, etc. The same goes for mail in entries. All want specific information, and everyone wants something different. This information can be on any paper, or it MUST be on a 3x5 piece of PAPER (no cards, please!) or a 3-1/2 x 5 piece of paper, or some specifically want unlined card stock! Others even specify what kind/size envelopes that they will accept. It's crazy the hoops they make you jump through to enter a sweepstakes! But baby, are they talking to the right person to jump through hoops! I live for hoops!

I draw the line at trying to find 3-1/2 x anything. I also will not enter any sweeps that specifically want entries on a postcard. As much as I love postcards, I'm not buying them for sweepstakes. A girls gotta have her limits. So, postage stamps, envelopes, 3x5 cards AND 3x5 paper in hand, I sit at my desk and start sweeping. It's mentally calming, almost Zen like.

The online entries can get to me after awhile. Especially after what happened during my first few weeks of sweeping.

I entered an online sweeps through Disney for a seven day cruise! Why not? Free is SO my price! Early the following week, I got a call on my cell phone. Since it's the only phone I have, that is the number I have to give out. The lady that called me said "I'm calling you because you've entered a sweepstakes for a Disney Cruise over the weekend. Do you remember entering?"

Do I remember! Holy crap, I about peed my pants! I stood right up at my desk, ready to show all the sweepers about my beginner's luck and winning my FIRST cruise! I told her of course I remember entering that sweepstakes! I was holding my breath waiting for her to tell me that I won that cruise!

That didn't happen. The bitch was just calling me to tell me about all the terrific prices they had on cruises. C'mon lady, if I could afford to buy my passage, I would. There is a reason I'm trying to WIN one instead of BUYING one. Grr. She had my blood pressure through the roof for nothing! I told her I was at work and I couldn't talk besides I had no interest in purchasing a cruise.

I gotta tell you, I was disappointed in Disney for that one. To date, that has been the only phone call I've received from giving my number out on all of these sweeps.

Now on to the great part of sweeping! WINNING!!!

Last Friday, I came home from work and the mail was on the dining room table. Right there on top was an envelope for ME and it came from ePrize! I know ePrize! I've sent many an envelope to them for various sweepstakes entries! Woo hoo! I knew I won something!

I ripped open the envelope and sure enough, enclosed was a check for $10.00!!! Yes, ten whole dollars! Plus a coupon for a free box of Total cereal (that was a $4.59 value! ) since the contest was sponsored by Total Healthy Wealthy and Wise Sweepstakes!

A winner! I am finally a winner!

Scoff if you must at my $10.00 check. But I'll take it! Now, don't bother me tonight. I have entries to fill out and get in envelopes for mailings next week. Who knows when the next check will appear on my dining room table!

And, if you're lucky, I'll send you a postcard from my free cruise that I'm going to win!

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