If you know me, you know I come from a weird family. Our family motto is "we put the fun in dysfunctional.
Perhaps you also know I now work for one of my brothers. This is an interesting dynamic, to say the least. It's hard to blog about work when your boss very possibly could read what you write. I really have to edit myself here.
But, I can tell one story. Keep in mind, this is a very small company I work for. That means that everyone wears many hats. In one day, I could do Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and scrub a toilet. They still won't let me near a jitney yet, but I still hold out hope!
My brother, one of the owners, in one day can go from doing his administrative work to loading or unloading a truck, or getting down and dirty and actually working the production floor.
Our normal dress code in the office is very casual. Jeans, sweatshirts, flannel shirts, t-shirts and of course, my safety shoes. I swear I'm gonna blog about them shoes yet! WITH pictures! Y'all gonna love it! Anyway, Mike will come to work in his street clothes and if he needs to work in production, he changes to a work uniform and his steel toed boots.
It is a small office and I am the first woman working there. So, when Mike needs to change clothes, he just does it right in his office. His office is right next to mine and I am in and out of his office all day. I need the big printer in there, or I need his help, or various supplies housed in his office. To make sure I don't walk in on him when I shouldn't, he gives me a warning. I will hear "I'm getting naked" or something to that effect. Anytime you hear a man say those words should be a good thing. Then you remember it's your brother! Yeah, Jerry Springer time! Then, I get the blow by blow "important parts are now covered" or "ok, I'm done now". It's hysterical! But I SO appreciate the warning. There's something I never want to walk in on. As if I didn't need enough therapy!
So, today, Mike is changed into his work clothes and he's out on the shop floor. Unfortunately, I had to go out a bunch of times with questions for him. One time I'm out there, and Mike tells me to reach in his pocket and grab his phone. He just got a text message and his hands are filthy and sticky and icky (that's a technical term!). Um, I don't know if I want to reach into his pants for money, let alone his phone!
Luckily, the phone was in his shirt pocket, but still! Ok, it was a work text but for crying out loud, isn't this a bit over and above the call of duty? I found out it's actually in my job description. It's in that fine print that detailed out my duties and then added "or anything else I need you to do". Damn that fine print!
So, in order to get a couple of questions answered today, I had to take Mike's phone out of his pocket, show him the text message and then text his reply back. You need something done, I'm your girl.
It's not just a job - it's an adventure!
Hmm, does this make you his GIRL FRIDAY?