
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Here I Am!

Remember, my world has changed considerable lately! Being back to work finally, I am having a little trouble keeping up with everything and one of the things that has fallen through the cracks is blogging.

I will try to do better, but no guarantees!

For real, how do people do it? Up and at 'em to work every day, then come home and keep up with a house and still keep in touch with all the family and friends. Dang, it's hard working for a living! I don't know how I used to do it before, especially with all of the travel on top of that. I keep telling myself I'm just out of practice and that it will come easier. Yeah, I'm ready for that easier part. Any day now.

So, what have we been up to? I do have a few happenings in my life that I thought were blog worthy. Here is one of them to try to get me back to real time.

A few weekends ago, our part of Ohio got dumped on. Phil was smart enough to get out of Dodge and go visit Erie for a week, right before the snow hit. That left Ron and I here. Personally, it wouldn't have bothered me in the least to be snowed in at the house for awhile. We had just been to the grocery store the night before so we were stocked on real food and snacks. We also had stocked up on beer and tequila so honestly, what did we need to leave the house for? Ron being the practical one reminded me that he is always on call and has to be ready to be somewhere within two hours so it might be a good idea to get dug out. Phht, I said. I didn't have to be anywhere in two hours! But, I was a trooper and decided to help him in spite of my reluctance. What a mistake.

We do have our riding lawn mower that has the plow attachment, but this snow was so deep and so heavy, there was only so much that poor plow could do. Plus, the plow was in the garage, which meant we had to get my car out of the garage to get the plow out. With a three foot drift in front of the garage, there was some serious shoveling to be done before we could even think about using the plow.

Ron started at the garage and I went down the driveway about 10 feet. We both started to shovel until we met in the middle. Finally, making enough room to back my car out and get the plow out, Ron jumped on the plow and got started while I kept up with the shovel working on the small stuff like our front porch. When he was almost done, we decided it was about time that I learned how to plow some snow. Just like cutting the grass, there were a few screams from me along with my fair share of giggles while I was driving. This time though, the snow drifts were so high, I think the neighbors didn't get a good line of sight to enjoy a good show. I was a little freer this time with my hooting and hollering!

Even with wheel weights and snow chains on the plow, I got the plow stuck a few times trying to push snow farther back to make room for more snow. Ron told me to use my own weight, and jump up and down on the seat to work myself out. If nothing else, I follow directions well! I bounced up and down for all I was worth. Yes, the neighbors really missed a good show!

It took us all afternoon, but we finally had the driveway dug out and Ron was able to get his van out of his parking spot. What a mess. Of course, since my acupuncture, I'm feeling better, so I totally over did it. My shoulders hurt so freakin' bad that I couldn't lift my arms at all for over a week. Even trying to raise a cup of coffee to my mouth was too much. It was a miserable week. But, I had to do what I had to do.

I know this is Ohio and I know this is winter time and I know my dream home is in Montana, but I'm telling you, I'm done with snow this year. I am struggling with the dichotomy of wanting to be in Montana and wanting to be done with snow!

So here is my return to blogging after a short absence. A story like everyone else has a story about too damn much snow. But, I do have more stories in me about more than just snow. I just need to make myself sit here and type them out.

I got a doozy coming up about Ron! Stay tuned!

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