
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I'm Sure This Was Ron's Fault!

As I've written previously, ever since our garage was broken into, Ron has put an alarm on the house and the detached garage.

Now, we've had some growing pains getting used to turn on and turn off the alarm. We all have key fobs on our key chains to make it even easier to turn on or turn off the alarm. The guys seem to carry these fobs in their pockets and sometimes their movements set the alarm when it shouldn't be set! I, on the other hand, have my fob on my key chain but tend to forget to turn off the alarm before I hit the button to open the garage door. Yeah, I do love that siren.

There are two options to set the alarm. One option is the home setting where all of the doors and window sensors are active and the other option is the away setting where all of the doors and window sensors are active as are the motion detectors downstairs.

Even though the motion detectors are downstairs, we turn the alarm on to the home setting at night so if anyone raids the kitchen during the night, or when Phil goes down for breakfast in the morning, the alarm doesn't go off. The away setting is only for when we're all out of the house.

Yesterday evening, Ron went up in the attic for a cigarette and when he sat down, something in his pocket hit the key fob and I heard the alarm get activated. He futzed with the alarm upstairs and then again on the second floor where our alarm base is, setting it correctly. Or so we thought.

Picture this: it's after midnight and everyone in the house is sleeping but me. I'm in the office watching TV and playing Pogo and I was hearing funny noises in the house. While that's not altogether unusual, sometimes it is unnerving. I was trying to ignore the bumps in the night when an emergency unfrosted strawberry Poptart, toasted hard, hankering overtook me. Hey, my Poptart addiction is just one of the manifestations of my obsessive behaviour. You never know when an emergency unfrosted strawberry Poptart, toasted hard, hankering will take over my body. There was nothing that was going to get that hot strawberry goodness out of my head other than going downstairs, opening a packet and throwing it in the toaster on level 5.

Of course, that's what I did. However, as soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs and turned the corner, BLAM! The alarm was going off, the lights were flashing off and on, I didn't know what the hell was going on! This is what separates the girls from the women! Do I search the downstairs to find the breach in security or do I run upstairs, look at the base to see where the breach is and make the guys get up and take care of it? In case anyone had any doubt, I ran like a little girl up the stairs to check out the base.

Based on the lights lit on the base of the system, what tripped the alarm was me getting in sight of the motion detector. Duh. What happened after this, you ask? Well, not much. I reset the alarm, counted a few extra gray hairs in my head, got my heart rate slowed down to sub sonic speed, noted that NEITHER of the guys got up during the hub bub, then I went downstairs to toast my damn unfrosted strawberry Poptarts hard.

Aside from the extra gray hairs, my Poptarts were soooo worth it the extra excitement. That is some darn awesome strawberry goodness.

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