
Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's 2010? Doesn't it seem like just yesterday that most of the world was panicking over Y2K? I rang in 2000 in Houston Texas, huddled in my apartment afraid with most of the world that planes were going to come crashing out of the air and that the world as we know it would no longer exist. I know, the biggest non-event ever, huh?

And believe it or not, it's 10 years later. An entire new decade. And, a time for firsts.

My FIRST New Year's resolution! I've never done this before because I've always thought it silly. No one should promise life changing events with a hangover. That just seems like a recipe for disaster to me. However, I am not hungover so I am ready to make a life changing promise to myself.

Before you get too excited, this is not going to be a vow to lose weight, exercise more, eat healthy or any of those things I SHOULD be resolving to do. No, this is more personal and frankly a bad habit of mine that is getting on my nerves already.

Here we go. I resolve to STOP dropping the F-bomb!

C'mon now, where did that come from? In my younger years of tending bar, I picked up that bad habit. Hey, I heard it every night so much that I started saying it myself. I haven't tended bar in 20 years so that's not my excuse any longer. (Wow! 20 years? It still amazes me sometimes that I got old! But, I digress.)

I've only heard Ron drop an F-bomb a few times with one of those times being when he put his finger through a table saw. My brother Phil lives here now and while he's been known to drop an F-bomb, it's not the most predominant word in his vocabulary. So, why do I do it? Where did I re-pick that up from? Well, I don't know, but it HAS to stop. Even I'm tired of hearing me say it.

So there you go. I have publicly resolved to stop dropping the F-bomb. I need some kind of repercussion for messing up. I'm not sure what that's going to be yet, but please, if you hear me slip, remind me of this post. This is my start to trying to be a better person in 2010!

Happy New Year to all. May this be a healthy and prosperous year for us all.

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