
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Buzz Kill

Ok, here I go, bitching about my job already.

You know, the day to day stuff, I'm ok with. If anything comes up I don't know about, I email Mike about it and he answers via email or video chat. So far, so good.

But what happened today really came out of left field. Then again, maybe I was warned that this could happen during one of my talks with my brother/boss that first week.

I was sitting in my office, minding my own business, working on paperwork. The guy that works in the shop came in and we were chatting a bit. We started talking about family. We talked siblings, and he asked about my husband. I was dumb enough to tell him that Ron and I aren't married, just living together.

Holy crap, did I open the flood gates!

I have learned this afternoon that I am a horrible person and I am going straight to HELL. I do not pass Go, I do NOT collect $200. Straight to HELL. I've been lectured on the evils of fornication (obviously he's been doing it wrong) for way too long this afternoon.

Keep in mind, there are only four people that work in this building, and that includes me and my brother. That sure does keep the options low for people to talk to during the day. Besides, I have to deal with him every day on a business level. So, I tried to be the bigger person; I ignored him. I kept working away all the while trying to tune out talk of the second coming, the Antichrist, passages from the bible, the rapture, how people like me will not be saved. Oh, the horror.

I believe in live and let live. I have my own set of beliefs that I refuse to shove down your throat and I expect the same level of respect from you. You ARE entitled to your opinion and I wish you a long and happy life within your beliefs. I just don't want to be lectured about them and have them forced upon me.

Like I said, I tried to just ignore him and let him rant and rave and go on with his lecture. Whatever. Until he crossed the line.

When he got to the point that the people in Haiti were getting what they deserved because there is so much voodoo there, that went over the line. And, at that point, he was lucky my fat ass didn't come across my desk and punch him right in the nose.

I took the wuss way out. I texted Ron via the internet and said it was an emergency to please call me and keep me on the phone for awhile. A few seconds later, my cell rang and of course, I answered it. Poor Ron was trying to think fast on his feet to keep me talking about nothing for the next five minutes. Luckily, bozo took the hint and didn't wait around any longer and went back to work.

I need to grow a set of nads and figure out a way to tell this idiot to F-off while maintaining a working relationship with him the next time he tries to start this conversation again. With the small number of us, I definitely can't have any animosity in the work place. But I'll be damned (or so I've been told) that I'm going to take that crap from any punk.

So, F him. No one should have to live through what the Haitian people are living through. I don't care if you pray to God, Allah, Jesus, Mohammad, a tree, Buddha or not at all. The people of Haiti need all of the help they can get.

Please give to the Red Cross or to the charity of your choice.

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