We have had things moved in the house. We've heard footsteps walk across the kitchen floor while Ron and I were in the basement and no one else was here. We've heard the door bell ring and we have no door bell. We have wires coming out of the kitchen wall where our door bell used to be, but no bell is hooked up. I've had the locked power windows in my locked car in my locked garage opened. Little stuff here and there.
It's not just us. The people that lived here before us (Larry and Linda) have also experienced strange things when they lived here.
Anyway, it's been quiet, ghost story wise, around here lately. Nothing strange going on at all.
A few weeks ago when Ron's boss was here from California, he came to our house for dinner one night. After dinner, we started rehashing the ghost stories. Hey, trust me, this made for great entertainment that evening!
I think we woke up something in the house.
That night, I got up during the night to pee. (too much info??) This picture is of my upstairs hallway. Our room is just to my left, down a small hallway and the bathroom is there on the left. As I'm walking down this hallway, I was suddenly shivering, I was so cold. I could feel a cold wind blowing. I even walked down those few steps to see if that hallway window was open. No windows open, I used the bathroom, and went back to bed.
I didn't think too much about it as part of me thought I was dreaming. The next day however, Phil was wrapped in a blanket a good part of the day while he was in his room. From the above picture, his room is directly to my right from where I'm standing. He felt a coldness in his room most of the day that did pass by the next day. Strange, but nothing I can prove one way or another as to what happened.
Then we had a good one Friday night.
Again with the bathroom! I grew up in a family of bathroom readers. If you ever come unprepared to our house, not to worry. There is a stack of books in the bathroom as well as a few sudoku hand held games to occupy yourself. But I digress.
Friday evening, we were all upstairs; Phil in his room and Ron and I in the computer room. I was the last one in the bathroom and per this picture, the Dilbert book was on the step in front of the toilet.
Maybe an hour or so later, I was the next one in that room and that Dilbert book was now on the floor to the side, as shown in this reenacted picture!
Neither of the guys were in the bathroom since my last bathroom visit and none of us would have put this book on the floor. As you can see, you have to step OVER the book to get away from the toilet. That just wouldn't happen. If the book "fell" off of the step, it wouldn't land like this on its own.
I walked into the bathroom, saw the book on the floor and immediately called Ron over to verify. Unfortunately, my camera batteries were dead, hence the reenactment! C'mon now, this is a weird story.
Who moved the dang book? One more to add to the list of stories.
Hmm, being a suduko book, we know it could not be dad. He never much got those and what to do. Now then, Readers Digest on the other hand......