
Thursday, July 23, 2009

This Sucks!

I woke up this morning just after 4:00 am from a nightmare.

In the nightmare, some greasy looking kid on a bicycle stopped to talk to me as I was standing outside on the front porch. He was freaking me out, so I told him I was done for the night and I was turning in. I went inside, closed and locked the door and came upstairs to get ready for bed.

Then, I just KNEW he was in my house!

I tried to dial 911 on my cell phone but when they got on the phone, I just couldn't talk! So, here I am, in my bathroom (that has no lock on the door) with 911 on the phone and I'm scared shitless.

Then I woke up.

So, now an hour and a half later, I'm still shaking! When I woke up, my heart was beating almost out of my chest. I was too afraid to stay in bed any longer but I'm also too afraid to go downstairs. I am sitting up here listening for noises coming from downstairs. In a house that is over 100 years old, there are ALWAYS noises in this house! Add to that the gurgling fish tank downstairs and I'm always hearing something!

Ok, I don't need coffee that badly. I have no reason to go downstairs! I will sit up here with all the lights on and try not to be such a wuss.

That's it. I need to stop reading books about stalkers and killers and bad guys. What's left? Children's books and romance novels. Great. See Spot run!

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