
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Napa Valley Box Company

I have nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's been quiet here.

There has been nothing blog worthy going on around here. Other than watching my beloved Cubs tank it on the field, it's been quiet here in Lorain. Let's see what I can pass along from my life here.

Last weekend, Ron and I went for a nice long walk at one of the local metro parks. I've said it before and I'll say it again, one of the best parts about Ohio is their metro parks system. There are numerous parks around and they are all fantastic in some way. This time we chose Bur Oak as our starting point.

We walked over two miles and just totally enjoyed the day. Unfortunately, I think that was more than Ron's rib was ready for, and he had a bit of a set back in his healing journey. While the day was beautiful, the only Kodak moments were the four caterpillars that were on the walk way as we were walking out. They seemed to all be the same species; dark brown or black, spiny, with a row of red dots down its back. And me without my camera! I know, I know. The story is nothing without pictures. I tried to find a picture of it on the net to add to this story, but I didn't have any luck. I guess my description will have to do.

Long walk aside, it was a quiet week. I did cut the grass all by myself this week! I was pretty proud of myself on that one. Before you ask, this was not Ron talking me into helping him white wash the fence. I really wanted to learn how to use the riding lawnmower and I did it. I didn't do it Ron's way I'm sure, but I got the job done. I am busting over here I am so proud of myself!

This weekend, Ron got to run away and have a "guys' weekend"! I think all guys need that now and again. A place where they can burp, fart, scratch their balls and just be guys and not worry about things like chewing with your mouth shut or putting a napkin on your lap.

Ron, and our friend Larry, went with Steve to Michigan where Steve races boats. Sort of like stock car races, but with boats. Yeah, that is as much as I understand, so don't ask me for clarification. Ron and Larry were going to be part of Steve's pit crew. Like I said, a guys' weekend.

Friday morning, I ran him to Larry's house so that I could have Ron's van for the weekend if needed. (My car is out on loan!) I figured that as long as I was dressed and mobile, after dropping Ron off I was going to run a few errands. What a mess I got myself into.

My first stop was my local library. An easy in and out. My problem was trying to get out of the parking lot. There is one driveway for inbound traffic and one driveway for exiting. These lanes are clearly marked with signs and painted arrows. It should be a no brainer. I guess I need to start looking for people that can't read signs at the library since not one but TWO cars coming in the exit almost creamed me. Yeah, my fault. I wasn't watching for traffic coming the wrong way. Silly me.

I then went to Home Depot and Lowe's. From a woman's point of view, stick with Lowe's. I spent way too much time at Home Depot walking up and down aisles looking for the part I wanted or an employee to point me in the right direction. Luckily, a guy shopping at Home Depot and I started talking. I was telling him what I was looking for and that I wasn't having any luck finding it. He was more than helpful, we talked about my options and then he gave me some good advice. He directed me to Lowe's.

The trip to Lowe's was a bit harrowing with one car almost hitting me when they couldn't read road signs and pulling into Lowe's I almost hit a woman that was exiting in the entrance lane. She was a bit shocked to see a big red van coming at her and she started screaming at me to watch where I was going. Ok, by now I was in a mood. I rolled my window down, stopped next to her and informed her that if she kept her ass on the other side of the boulevard where she belonged and not in the incoming lane, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to scare her.

At least the Lowe's employees were 100% better than the ones at Home Depot. I must have walked by five employees and not one of them passed me by without acknowledging me AND asking if I was finding everything I was looking for. Awesome customer service. I was directed to the correct aisle, but I didn't find exactly what I wanted. That wasn't their fault; it was mine for being indecisive.

That was way too much angst for me in a couple of hours of running errands. I hate being on the road, I hate driving and I am not all that fond of people at the moment. So, I came home, parked his van, and while Ron was away, I had a Ree weekend. It was marvelous!

I spent quality time with my heating pad, I played Pogo, I watched stupid TV, I read a lot, played Wii (and won EVERY game, thank you!) and just relaxed. I think it was a good weekend.

So, there you go. Not really anything blog worthy, but I made a blog out of it anyway. Now I'm sitting here just waiting for Ron to get home. Maybe this week I can find something fun to write about! Maybe this could be my week to hit the lottery. If that's the case, my next post will come from Cancun. Now that will be exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget your good friend when you're in Cancun...and I'd like a little more than a postcard or drink umbrella! Yippie!
