
Monday, May 04, 2009


Welcome to my 500th blog post! For real, could anyone have guessed that I could blog about 500 things? I admit, some days are harder than others but for crying out loud, that's a lot of posting! Who knows? Maybe I still have at least 500 more in me!

I couldn't think of one good reason to blog about for my 500th post, so I thought I'd just write about things that have either pissed me off or entertained me lately. Here we go:

Car 155 Where Are You? - or perhaps it should be titled Car 155 what in the hell are you doing? Ron and I were sitting out on the porch one night last week when I saw a Lorain police car driving south on our road.

I had previously blogged that I have little to no respect for our local law enforcement. Aside from seeing them in action as in speeding through school zones or not willing to get out of their car and write up a report when an idiot hits a telephone pole across the street from me and pulls wires out of my house, you know, ordinary stuff. Then there are the numerous police officers who are either indicted or under investigation for numerous things like rape, assault, stalking, fraud, throwing guns downs sewers, etc; it's hard to feel safe here. But, I digress. The latest doozie was car 155 driving down the street. As it came closer I saw that two officers were in the car. The officer in the passenger's side was just gazing out of the side window enjoying the ride. One might assume the officer in the driver's seat would be driving, right? Well I guess anywhere but in Lorain! The driver of this car had BOTH hands on the computer keyboard and his eyes on the moniter, NOT on the road! I don't know how long he had his eyes off of the road, but at least as long as I was watching him! There's my police force, hard at work.

How Green My Grass - It seems that last week the trees were barren as the weather started to warm up. This is an old neighborhood with old trees. There are trees around that have to be at least 50 feet high. All of them were barren except for one 30 footer to the south of us which barely had green on the tips of the branches. The trees greened up so quickly, it was absolutely amazing! We'd sit on the front porch in the morning, and when we'd go back in the afternoon, you'd see another tree was suddenly showing green that was bare just a few hours earlier. After dinner for another visit to the front porch and you could see even more green on the trees. Now, there isn't a barren tree around. It was amazing this year or at least I was more cognizant of the spring. All I can say is that it's been a very humbling spring for me this year.

Patooie - This one falls under entertainment. Well, it entertained me for awhile! I was chewing a piece of gum; not something I do often. When I was done with said gum, I grabbed the waste basket, held it under me and spit my gum out. Guess what. Yes, I missed the waste basket! It was hours before Ron quit laughing! I told you this one was entertaining.

One Person's Trash Is Another's Treasure - Thursday night, Ron and I were driving home from a dinner out. Thursday night is also our trash night. Actually, trash is picked up early Friday morning but everyone seems to put their trash out on Thursday nights.

One side street a couple of blocks away, the kids in the neighborhood have a portable basketball hoop. This is something similar to what I'm talking about. Anyway, they are in the street many a nights playing hoops. It may be a side street, but it does get a good amount of traffic. Traffic must stop and wait for the kids to clear the street so that traffic may drive through. And, by kids, I'm talking at least high school age. They leave this basketball contraption either in the street or on the tree line; it's hardly every put away.

As in most neighborhoods, you have the trash surfers driving around. You know, the people that go and look what you've thrown out and take what they think they can make money on. I guess we all have to make a living somehow. Anyway, we drove up just as one of these surfers was putting the basketball hoop into the back of his truck! Ron and I were howling! I can't imagine the owners of the hoop had any intention of throwing it out.

Well, if they decide to get another one, I bet they will learn to put it away, instead of leaving it by the garbage on the tree line.

So, there we go. A lot ado about nothing. Well, it is blog # 500 so I guess that's something! I still can't believe I could ramble on so much!

Thank you to my three readers! I do hope to keep you amused or entertained or something for another 500 blogs.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You've reached a milestone Just glad that I've been here to enjoy it!
