
Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday The 13th

I have a great Friday the 13th story!

I got fired today, via the FedEx delivery man! C'mon now, that's a great story!

Yes, today the FedEx man showed up with an envelope for ME. The envelope came from my corporate office in Atlanta. Imagine my surprise as I read that as of 2/11/09, my position was no longer being held open. Hmm. Phone lines must have been down since this is the first I've heard of it.

So what do we have here. I no longer have to look at a boss that has previously hit me with a car and laughed about it. I no longer have to listen to his thoughts on how he wants to kidnap a little girl off the street just for fun. I no longer have to deal with a boss that steals money from me, just because he's the boss and he can. I no longer have to listen to his diatribes on women, minorities, gays, senior citizens or anyone else that isn't a WASP. Aside from the financial thing, how can this be a bad thing?

So now I am brushing myself off, and getting ready to turn the page to get to the next chapter of my life. And, work on healing. Tomorrow will be another day.

But for now, I got fired by the FedEx guy. That's just funny, I don't care who you are.


  1. Aww girl, I'm sorry about the firing,but at the same time, I'm happy for ya. You've been looking to get out for a long time and they just made it easier for you.

    Remember, it's their loss. They will never be able to replace you with any one person who is as efficient and hardworking as you. As a matter of fact, after one month without you on the payroll, I suspect their business will drop and they will be regretting for life their decision.

    But I might be biased. Not wrong, but biased.

  2. Wow, that takes the cake! Sorry you had such a rotten day, but it makes for a great story!
