Yesterday was July 25th.
In honor of this auspicious day, one of the local radio stations here, WDOK 102.1 FM celebrated Christmas in July.
I'm not much for listening to the radio. The only time I listen is in the car. And, in the car, I'm a channel flipper. I listen to a song on this station then if I don't like the next song or if it's time for a commercial, I move on to the next station.
I was flipping through the Cleveland stations yesterday and I came across the song, "I'll Be Home For Christmas". As one living away from home for awhile, that one always makes me cry. I'm wondering what the heck is going on that this song is playing now. So, while I'm not one for Christmas carols, I decided to listen a little longer to see if someone just f-ed up or if that song was playing on purpose.
Sure enough, when the crew started talking after the song, it was time for the intro into the weather. The DJ that was introducing the weather girl and he started with "wow! way to go! You are the only weather forecaster in the area to get last night's weather correct!"
To which the weather caster replied "Yeah, no one else saw this blizzard coming. It hit fast and it hit hard. The current temperature is 20 degrees with it expected to drop tonight to below zero. And, don't bother checking with the TV, I'm telling you now, ALL SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED!" I was howling in the car!
So, it was a Christmas in July gag. But, I gotta tell you, I gotta give out props to WDOK. They kept with it all day as Christmas songs were still playing on my way home from work last night.
Then again, this is the same channel that plays nothing but Christmas carols from Thanksgiving day to Christmas day. I haven't listened to the radio this morning, but I'm hoping it was just a Christmas in July prank and not that they are starting the carols earlier than Thanksgiving this year.
Just watch those roasted chestnuts! That can really put a damper on holiday celebrations!