
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What Next?

You know, some days are good, some days are bad, and some days just really feel bad, even though you can't put your finger on just one thing that made it bad. Today was like that. A bunch of little things just all added up to make a not so great day.

It started off early this morning when I woke up. It was very chilly in this room (I do love air conditioning) so I turned the A/C down while I was getting ready for work. Well, after all that getting ready, I realized it's getting very warm in here, so maybe I should turn the A/C back up a little. Guess what? Nothing happened. I think I broke it! I can live without a lot of things, I do NOT want to live without air conditioning.

So, on my way out the door, I stopped by the front desk and put in a maintenance request. She kinda looked at me funny when I asked maintenance to fix my air conditioning. She said "now??" Um, ok, maybe not right now but before 5:30 pm would be good! She seemed surprised that I wanted maintenance in my room when I'm not planning on being in it. Hmmm. I don't know what I should have thought about that. I guess if he went through my underwear, I'm going to have to be ok with it, since my A/C is now working!

My company I work for changed cell phone providers. So, we all got new cell phones. Y'all know I am not technologically savvy. Two days with this phone and here is what I can do with it: answer it. I can't find the phone book to look up any numbers, and I can't figure out how to change the sound of the ring or even to make it ring at all. Like I said, I can answer it. Call me, I'll prove it to you!

Work was one of them days too. I won't even go there now, let's just say I was never so happy to see beer o'clock!

Dinner went ok, but when I got back to the hotel I realized that I left my key to my door right on the bed. So, I'm stuck! Back downstairs to the front desk for new keys. Luckily after five weeks, they recognize me. When I finally got into my room, I thought a nice shower, and I'll be in and relaxed for an evening of chilling out and forgetting about everything.

I seem to be shedding lately as hair is coming out in handfuls. One of the times I really notice that is when I'm putting conditioner in my hair in the shower. I end up with a lot of hair in my hands as I'm rubbing in the conditioner. I'm afraid of all that hair going down the drain, so I generally rub my hands together so that all the hair in them clumps together. Then I take the hairball and put it on the edge of the tub so when I get out I can throw it out. (Too much information yet??!!)

All that just for this punchline. I put the hair ball on the edge of the tub then finished my shower. I know I've posted before that I can't see a thing when I don't have my contacts in, so everything is a little blurry. I shut the water off, whipped the curtain back, and the hair ball must have been touching the curtain because when I whipped it back, the hairball fell into the tub. Well....

Me with my bad eyesight, all I see is this big dark thing jumping into the tub with me! You know I think it's a huge spider and I did what I do best. I screamed!

Good news/bad news is that no one came running. I'm still not sure if that's good or bad. But, needless to say as soon as I got done screaming I remembered putting the hair ball there and then felt like an idiot.

So, before I cause any more problems in this hotel today, I've got the lights shut off, the tv is down low, and I'm going to sit here in my corner very quietly and try not to cause any more problems! I don't think I could take one more little bad thing happening!

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