
Saturday, June 30, 2007

I Can At Least Boil Water

Due to a water main break down the street, we are to boil our water before drinking it. I checked our official city website to find instructions on how to do this. All I saw were notices that we were to boil the water!

Silly question, but for how LONG do we boil it?! Anyone know?


  1. Hmmm, LOL, Until it is all gone? But! Have a lid over it to catch the steam and allow it to settle back to water? Sheesh! LOL

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Boy did you come up with a good question! Our California earthquake survival information states the following; "Water may also be purified by bringing it to a rapid boil for at least 5 minutes".
    Now the question begs me to ask --- just what is a rapid boil?

    Hope this helps.
