
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Not Putting My Best Foot Forward

Perhaps if I had put my best foot forward, I wouldn’t be in this predicament.

Let’s start with the beginning of the day. I was starting a new audit today. This one is over an hour away from me, and that’s in good weather. The storms aside, yesterday was a beautiful day in our neighborhood. I didn’t have a jacket on most of the day, the sun was shining, it was warm, a beautiful day.

This morning when I got up, I was shocked to see the ground covered with snow again. Dummy me; I didn’t look outside in time to leave very much earlier than I had planned since I didn’t count on bad weather. And, to put me farther behind, I forgot that on the first day of this audit, we have to pay to park in the parking ramp. We later got security badges that will let us into a free employee lot, but again, I needed cash for the ramp and I had a dollar to my name.

I did what I always do when I need emergency cash until I get to the bank. I asked Ron if I could borrow money from him! Would you believe this poor guy turned his pockets inside out and only came up with thirty one cents? Hello? The guy only has thirty one cents to his name? Not good. So, I also had to stop at the bank this morning for cash.

Then, the freeway was a nightmare. The further east and south I went, the worse it got. I even had to find an alternate route since the freeway I wanted was blocked with accidents. What a nightmare. I took the long way around, got confused, but eventually found my way. Not a good start to my day.

Then, we’re on site and my team and I are with our contact at the audit. One of the first things we do is get a tour. We need to know the important things like where are the bathrooms, the coffee pots, soda machines and ok, perhaps even the files. We went into the basement to the file room and we were on our way back up the steps to the third floor where we will be working most of the time, and in front of everyone, I fell up the steps.

I know, I should be happy that I didn’t fall DOWN the steps, but at my age, up the steps isn’t much better. I have a knot on my knee which is not a pretty color of purple and my ankle hurts. I’m not sure if my ankle is having sympathy pains for my knee or if I twisted that as well on the way down. All I know is that it has not been a stellar day so far.

To be honest, I’m writing this during my lunch, so I don’t know for sure if I’ll make it home in one piece! Wish me luck!

** Update!! **

I did make it home, but not without difficulty! I took a wrong turn out of the parking lot. The next thing I know is I’m calling Ron for help. He really did a great job trying to calm me down, and asked me the silly question of what road was I on. That was a silly question especially since if I knew what road I was on, I’d probably know how to get where I was going.

Somehow Ron was able to figure out where I was and get me on the right path to where I needed to be.

There you go. My day ended with me getting lost on the way home.

On the bright side, Ron bought me dinner and now I’m watching TV with my leg up. The last obstacle is making it up my own stairs to bed! Perhaps at least I won’t get lost on my way.

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