
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Something To Blog About

Even with all the travel, I've been having a hard time lately thinking of anything blog worthy to share. Other than complaining about the cold, nothing much is fit to print.

Until today.

Ron and I started having a nice, calm Saturday. I like to lay low, not do too much, and just enjoy down time. Then we went out to face the world and run some errands.

I bought a new blouse! And two pairs of shoes!! These facts alone should be blog worthy, but alas, that's not what I'm writing about.

Some of you have heard the stories about our house. We have had, from time to time, strange things happen. Nothing bad, just . . . strange. Like doorbells ring when we don't have a doorbell hooked up. Or, footsteps on the floor above you when no one else is in the house. And, ok, a few things have been moved here and there. See? Nothing big, just strange.

We came home from running errands tonight somewhere around 8:00 p.m. Ron unpacked the few groceries we bought, while I went down to the basement to work with laundry. When we finally got up to the second floor, Ron headed up in the attic for a smoke. I went to go into the bathroom and there it was. The rugs were askew.

I know that doesn't sound like much, but picture this: We have a step up from the floor to ease in getting in and out of the tub. On this step, I have a rubber backed bath mat. On the floor below the step, I have a soft plush rug. Both of these rugs were seriously askew.

I don't believe that they got that way for no reason. I yelled upstairs asking Ron if he had been in the bathroom since he's been upstairs. No, he headed straight for the attic. The rugs, especially the rubber backed one, don't move that easily. I am not always straightening them. Aside from when cleaning, they pretty much stay put. Then I started to think.

They almost looked like someone peeled out on them. Sort of like turning quickly for a hasty exit. Then, my mind started to run all kinds of scenarios, especially with the excitement in the neighborhood a few weeks ago. Now I am starting to panic a little bit.

I as calmly as I could, wait for Ron to come back downstairs. I think told him that I want to check the house, because the rugs look like someone went running out of the bathroom in a hurry.

He started in the attic. Then, we checked the second floor, including in the closets and under beds. The first floor, I looked in big cupboards where someone could fit. The basement, I made Ron check the coal cellar and the dry cellar as well as behind the furnace. All windows and doors were verified shut and locked.

So, with a human intruder eliminated from suspicion . . . what happened to our rugs?

One more on the list of strange things in the house.


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    You might just think it was Halloween Eve when the ghosts and goblins are aloud out to roam the earth at Midnight. Strange, but again normal for your house.

  2. Anonymous7:05 PM

    That may have been my spirit checking out the bathroom. You know just how much I love your BIG tub. Anyway it was my thought.
