
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's Finally MY Turn!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's finally MY turn.

I had a phone call from my boss this morning informing me that my promotion has become official! It only took me 3-1/2 years to get it, but by golly it's finally mine.

Say good bye to Staff Auditor, and say hello to Associate Auditor. Ok, the title sucks and to me makes no sense, but who cares about the title. I say, "show me the money"!

The promotion does come with a color coordinated raise. And, to complete the look, the accessories that go with my new look, are that my bonuses are now calculated at a higher rate, thus, they should be bigger bonuses.

What changes in my actual job duties? Not a damn thing. That's the killer. I've been doing all of the work all along, just not getting compensated for it.

So there you go. New business cards; yeah that's about all that will change. Ok, that and the paycheck! Hallelujah, it's finally a raise!

I am excited, but I'm not sure it's all sunk in yet. Now I have the feeling of now what? I've been complaining about this damn promotion for the last year and a half. So now what? Holy cow, can I actually sit back and try to enjoy it? Wow. New concept.

For now, y'all can congratulate the new Associate Auditor. It's been a long time in coming, but . . . it's finally MY turn! Oh, but don't call me. I was so excited tonight that when I left the audit site, I left both of my cell phones sitting on the desk. I guess some things will never change. I will continue to take after my Dad in so many ways, including his forgetfulness.


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Here here! Hmm, you are proving to be "your father's Daughter" aren't you? Congrats! Way to go!

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Congratulations! You know you have been one of the best they have and you deserve every penny you can eke out of them! Way to go!
    Mary Jane at JoBeths house
