It sucks to be the people in this parking lot. Check out this video.
However, since Steve is gone, I happen to have my very own hero living right here in this house!
This morning, I was in the bathroom doing whatever it is people do in the bathroom first thing in the morning. When I finished, I was standing at the sink washing my hands. As I was lathering up, I looked up into the mirror and what do I see? A HUGE spider on my face! Ok, he wasn't really "on" my face, but he was on my face that was in the mirror. I was not a happy camper.
I wasn't in charge of all of my faculties yet so I did what I do best. I screamed. Loudly.
Poor Ron came running and once his heartbeat slowed down when he figured out I wasn't dying at the moment, he took care of my hazardous situation. It may not have been a nine foot alligator, but it was just as life threatening in my mind. My hero saved me!
Hmm, I hate to ask, but did you almost slap yourself silly before you discovered it was on the mirror instead of your face?