
Thursday, August 31, 2006

He Can See!

Yesterday, Ron had cataract surgery on his right eye. Now both of his eyes are done!

We had an earlier surgery appointment this time. Ron was scheduled at the surgery center at 8:15 am. That is a bit easier when you're on that stupid restriction of nothing to eat or drink after midnight. We showed up on time and ready.

The only "bad" news we had was that instead of Ron going through the surgery under twilight anesthesia like for his left eye, this time he was to go fully under anesthesia. According to the doctor, Ron fought him so much during the first surgery, they didn't want to take any chances. So, Ron got the full dose of the happy juice!

That little stumbling block aside, Ron came through surgery like a trooper. The recovery time took a little longer since he was under more medication this time, but other than that, piece of cake.

This morning, we went back to see the doctor to get the patch off and to make sure all looked good with the eye. The doctor did say that the pressure in his eye is slightly elevated. So be honest, I'm not exactly sure what that means. But, it was decided that one prescription of eye drops to be administered once a day to his right eye should do the trick.

His vision in the right eye is 20/20 and in the left 20/25. His distance vision is as close to perfect as he can ever remember it being. Unfortunately, because the astigmatism wasn't corrected with the cataract surgery, all is not perfect. His close vision is blurry at the moment. Until his eyes settle down, we don't know exactly what his vision will be for a few weeks yet. But, to get him through now, we stopped and picked him up a pair of reading glasses from the pharmacy. With the glasses he can finally read again.

It's just amazing how much better he can see. The funniest thing, shortly after the patch came off and we had left the doctor's office, Ron headed for the men's room. When he came out, he looked at me in all seriousness, and said "hey - when did the doctor add all these gray hairs to my head?" HA! Man, that had to be the greatest line of the week. It really is amazing how much better he can see now.

That's the news for now. His next follow up appointment with the eye surgeon is next Friday. There will be an update as soon as I have more info to pass along. For now, it's time to put in his eyedrops!

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