
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Something Is Bugging Me

Something was bugging me yesterday as I was leaving the audit site to make my drive to the airport.

As I headed to my car in the parking lot, there are two very large bugs buzzing around the driver's side of my car, sort of concentrating on the area of the side mirror. At first I thought they were bumble bees, as they were that big, round with the big wide wings.

As I was standing by my car, afraid to open the door, one of the bugs flew into the side of the car with a thump. He knocked himself silly! He actually fell to the ground and was legs up trying to right himself. It wasn't a bumble bee after all, but a hard shelled bug that was irridescent green. I wasn't getting any closer than that to see what it was. Finally, the one on the ground righted itself, shook it off and was back up and flying towards my side mirror.

Now I do have a dilemma. The weather in Kansas right now is horrific. The temps are in the high 90s with the humidity also in the high 90s. When you open your car door, you have to stand there for a minute until some of the built up heat escapes. That's all I need is to know one or both of these bugs flew in my car and are hitching a ride with me over to the airport. I think not. So I stood there like an idiot.

Finally two women went to walk by and they sort of looked at me funny like what was my problem. Finally I said "bugs!" The one woman saw them and was amazed. As she walked towards me to get a better look at them, the suddenly took off. She may have been disappointed at their departure, but I had the good sense to thank her from the bottom of my heart.

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