
Monday, July 10, 2006

I Am Alive!

Hello again from Kansas.

It's been a crazy time with the traveling and the holiday. So much has happened since I've last written, but just haven't made the time to sit and write about it.

Let's see if I can give you a recap.

The holiday weekend was wonderful but it went by way too quickly. We jammed a whole lot of fun into a couple of days.

Saturday Ron and I got to take a really long motorcycle ride heading to one of our favorite restaurants, Bahama Breeze. A great lunch with friends was a nice way to start the weekend festivities.

Sunday we headed to Mike and Mary Jane's to visit with family. I got to meet the new members of our family, Noah and Grady. Man, this family seems to make some beautiful kids! It was truly my honor to meet the boys for the first time and my absolute pleasure to see everyone else. The food was fabulous, as always, and you sure couldn't beat the company.

Monday we scored big. Mike and Mary Jane had to give up their theater tickets for Monday night and they asked us if we'd like to use them. So Ron and I headed downtown in our Sunday finest and enjoyed a great show. I've been singing the music from the show ever since in my usual way. Loudly and badly. So, I'll never make it on Broadway. That's ok though. It was a great time.

Tuesday found us at a cookout with friends. Good food, good company, and since our friend Larry was involved, a LOT of laughs.

See? It was a great weekend! We were running and gunning every day and like I said, we wrapped a whole lot of fun into four days. I sure did need that.

The next three days were for me spent working out of my local office. There never seems to be enough time to do all of the administrative work that goes along with this job. So, three solid days in the office helped at least my frame of mind on some issues.

The only bad thing I could say for this week is my laptop for work has started to play games with me. I'm the only auditor in my company that I know who has been on the same laptop for three years. My boss for example, is on his third laptop in that time! I've had a Sony Vaio and really had nothing but good luck with it. The only down side to it was there was no wireless card in it. Oh well.

For the last month or so, my screen has been flickering. Mainly when I boot up in the morning. It's progressively gotten worse. When it actually started to "crackle" when it flickered, I thought maybe it was time to make a call to my IT department. I thought he would just have an easy fix for me to do. Not so lucky. He said he'd set up another laptop for me and have it to me by last Wednesday. So, I said, "Oh, a loaner until you fix it?" Then he dropped the bomb on me. Not a loaner but a replacement. Grrr.

This IBM Thinkpad was delivered to my office on Wednesday. All I did with it Wednesday was turned it on to make sure it worked. Remember, I am the authority on the O.N.O.F.F. button. Once I made sure that worked, I saw that this laptop had a wireless card! Bonus!

The thought of transferring all of the files from my old laptop to my new one just overwhelmed me. So, in typical fashion, I waited until Sunday to start it. Once again, thank goodness for Ron because I never would have done it without him. IT should never assume that us idiots in the field know anything. An instruction manual would have been a BIG help. Luckily Ron knows just about everything and really helped me out. Thanks, honey!

So, today was day one with the new laptop. I have buttons I don't know what to do with yet, but so far, I've pushed just about everything and still haven't blown anything up yet. So far, so good!

That's about all the news that's fit to print on this Monday from Topeka Kansas! But, you know that when I travel something usually happens to me.

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