
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm Baaack, Part 2

I did forget one thing that happened yesterday that I meant to write in the last blog.

While I had little problems finding my way here from the airport, and from here to the hotel and back also was no problem, I did have problems finding my way through the building here.

Let me start by saying that this is the largest building I’ve ever worked in. Not stories wise, but square footage per floor wise. It’s only two stories high but jiminy crickets, it’s a long walk from the front door to where my office is.

And, the building is full of security. I pass security walking in, I have to show my badge everywhere. I went through two different badges yesterday while they determined what level of a security risk I am. HA! Anyway, it was decided that I had to fill out a form, include my next of kin, and it went out for approval. Today I will be taking a mugshot and getting a badge that shows that said mugshot for all to see. Am I lucky or what!

When I walked in yesterday, I was escorted up to my office. While we went to introduce me to security on work on the appropriate badges, I was escorted. I knew how to find the bathroom and the coffee room all by myself, but beyond that, I didn’t have a clue. When I went to leave last night, of course, I got lost. I found the correct stair well to go down to the first floor, but after that I was lost. I had to ask directions twice to find the dang front door! I really suck at directions!

By the time I found the front door, I was a little flustered. I was signing out at security and sort of jokingly asked the guard if there were any emergency buttons around the building that I could push next time I got lost leaving the building. He asked if I seriously got lost and I said YES! I even told him that I had to ask for help twice getting out of here!

He said the best he could do was “watch out for me”. I thought for sure a company e-mail may have gone through last night warning of a crazy auditor on the loose.

But I was wrong. When I got here this morning, I signed in and the security guard “helped” me find my way back here to my office! No one but me do these kinds of things happen to. So, I got to be escorted to my office this morning, and I was given his extension if I would like an escort back out of here tonight. He said he would come to my office and walk me out.

Now THAT’S service!

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