
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Great News!

Poor Ron has been living with a few issues as of late.

Close to a month ago on a Friday, he was going to ride his motorcycle over to his sister’s house. She’s a good 40 miles away. He left the house, headed to a gas station to fill up the bike. He put his wallet in his back pocket and headed over to Susan’s. A few hours later, he realized his wallet was not in his back pocket.

He called me, asking me to look in the house for it before he remembered he had it to gas up. A call to the gas station was unsuccessful in recovering the wallet. Ron looked through the saddle bags on the bike, just in case. No wallet.

Saturday, he drove the 40 miles from here to there, hoping to spot the missing wallet. No such luck. Then again, where do you look? On the road? In the lane you were last driving in? On the side of the road? It’s all freeways between here and there. If a semi or even a pickup truck ran over it, would it even be recognizable? We had horrific rains that day . . . did the wallet go floating into the sewer system somewhere along the way? It was not a good weekend for Ron.

We tried to think of everyone he needed to call and notify. The bank, the credit card companies. Ron even issued a fraud alert with the credit agencies, just in case. He went and got a new driver’s license and social security card. What else? Who should be called?

Then, this past Saturday morning, there was a knock on the door. Most Saturday mornings find us not appropriately dressed to greet guests, so by the time one of us (Ron) got dressed enough and downstairs to see who was at the door, he was just in time to see the mailman walking back across the street. Oh well, he thought. It couldn’t have been that important.

When Ron grabbed the mail out of the mailbox, he saw that he had missed signing for a certified letter. Now, who in the world would be sending a certified letter to him? He’s one of the last people you’d expect to be in any kind of trouble. The only thing that came to our minds was a sweepstakes entry. Both of us had received a certified letter at one time that was only a sweepstakes entry. Again, not thinking of anyone that would need to get a hold of him via certified letter left us with a sweepstakes as our only guess.

I am nosey by nature and I hate the suspense of waiting. I voted for scouring the neighborhood trying to hunt down our mailman. Ron nixed that idea stating that waiting until Monday to go to the post office was fine by him. Geez! Can a guy be any more laid back? Since it was his certified letter, he won that discussion.

Finally Monday came and Ron headed to the post office to pick up the letter. Guess who it was from! The Avon Police Department! Yes, the Avon Police Department! The letter stated that they had his wallet! WOW! Ron called and made arrangements to pick the wallet up.

According to the police, a guy on the Friday that Ron lost his wallet, came running into the police station stating that he found this wallet and he was in a hurry. So, he left the wallet on the counter and ran back out of the station. No name, no number. Just a real, bonafide good Samaritan. The police had the wallet since the day it was lost, and it took them close to a month to notify Ron that they had it.

Since the wallet was in such good shape, we are guessing that the guy either came by immediately after the wallet dropped or even saw it come out of Ron’s pocket. It definitely was not touched by any of the rain or hail that fell that day and it didn’t even look like it had a mild case of road rash! Sweet deal!

Everything that was in the wallet was returned with the wallet. Ron didn’t have any cash in there, but there was a gift card with over $100 left on it. Amazing. I just wish we could thank the guy properly for doing the right thing. We see so little of that any more.

The morals to this story?

1 – One phone call that you should make when you lose a wallet should be the police. The wallet was at the police station about a mile away from where he gassed up the bike.

2 – Now we know why bikers chain their wallets to their butts!

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