
Friday, April 14, 2006

Oh What A Night

One of my guilty pleasures in life is Friday night. Here is my average Friday night.

Ron and I usually go out to dinner on Friday night. This more than likely is followed by a little shopping. You know, Sam's Club, grocery store. That kind of thing. Necessities of life.

After getting home and getting the booty put away, I grab a nice iced cold Diet Pepsi and it's Pogo night!

I stay up absolutely as late as I possibly can. I will watch trash TV and play Pogo. I know it sounds silly, but I look forward to Friday night. This is my guilty pleasure and my reward for making it through another week.

Last night was like my Friday night since I have off today. Last night Ron and I did dinner, then Sam's Club, then Giant Eagle. After spending over $200, it was after 10:00 p.m. by the time we got home and had things put away.

I have the windows wide open in the house enjoying the gorgeous night, the remote control to the DVR in one hand and the Pogo playing mouse in the other. I am set for a marathon of goofing off! I set a goal of 1:00 a.m. I'm going to try to stay up THAT late!

Well, I outdid myself. It was well after 3:00 a.m. before I actually called it a night. Now I know what I miss by not stretching my abilities and calling it a night around 1:00 a.m. I wanna say about 2:30 a.m., we heard screaming coming from down the street, then some yelling. Ron looks at me, I look at Ron and it's like YES! Some neighborhood excitement! It's been a long winter.

There is a house two doors to the north of me that had been empty for about 15 years. Well, the house has been bought, fixed up and there is a young couple with a child living in there now. Our new neighbors were giving quite a show.

After the screaming, Ron had run to the window by the steps watching the side of the house, while I kept watch on the front window. He reported someone leaving that house via bicycle. Hmm. Shortly thereafter, a van pulled out. Shortly after that, the neighborhood was filled with the police! The street in front of our house was blocked by police cars and our local police were scouring the neighborhood. We both staked out our places on our steps, our two noses pressed up against the screen in the window looking out.

There was at least one officer scanning the backyards with a flashlight. I don't know what he was looking for, but I really had to suppress the desire to start yelling out "hot" or "cold" to see if he'd play my reindeer games! But, discretion took hold and we just enjoyed the front row seat to the excitement.

Police cars came and went for the next hour, as well as someone in the yards with the flashlight. We heard no more screaming or yelling or anything.

So there is our excitement. It sure beat the gunshots that were heard the night before!

Today is the actual Friday night. I don't know if I'm up to staying up that late two nights in a row, but we'll see what we can do. Maybe Ron and I dressed in our jammies, need to put on a pot of coffee and stake out our front porch for the night. Who knows what could happen around here next.

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