
Sunday, April 30, 2006

It's Finally Summertime

In spite of having my heat on in the house this past week, this weekend is making me a believer that summer is finally here.

It's been a busy week for me. I started a new audit. The only good thing I'm going to say about this is that it is close to home. No flying to work, or even driving for over an hour to get there. Believe it or not, only about six miles away. Yeah, I could get used to that.

The start of an audit is usually a little stressful. Learning new people, a new place, getting the third degree and in this case, getting to hear how much they hate me and hate that I'm there. Yeah, what fun. All this and I'm locked in a room with people that wish I would get hit by a truck. I've heard auditors tell horror stories about audit sites before. I have a few of my own stories, but so far being locked in a room all day beats them all.

So there's my week in a nutshell.

Today though, I had to run to my office to pick up some documents and drop some off. The good part about this is that Ron went with me! Poor guy has to sit in my office while I put in a little bit of work. But, I made it worth his while by showing him a great Mexican place on the way home. Food wise, this has to be my favorite Mexican restaurant. Since it's way over by work, it's not someplace Ron and I would go to together. But, since we were in that neck of the woods, I finally got him there.

Since we were good and finished our dinner, we decided to get dessert at one of my favorite ice cream places, Petrucci's. This is an awesome place that is close to the apartment we used to live in. We used to be such regulars at this place, that once we stopped in there after an afternoon of riding the motorcycle. We ordered our cones and then realized that neither one of us had any cash on us! Unfortunately, this ice cream parlor is a cash only operation. I felt like such a heel. Like I said though, we were such regulars that the kid behind the counter told us not to worry, we could just pay the next time we were in. Gotta love being a regular!

Unfortunately, we don't live as close to there as we used to, so we don't get there as often. But we did stop today. I had a fantastic cone full of mountain raspberry ice cream and a whole lot of happy memories of summers gone by, sitting out on the picnic bench in front of the store eating some of the best ice cream I've ever had.

Welcome back summer. I've sure missed you.

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