
Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I am an emotionally needy person.

That probably comes as no surprise to most of you. I need a lot of emotional comfort and I get it in many ways. I can attach myself to most anything if it will bring me a modicum of comfort.

One of my most favorite comfort objects is this blue nightshirt I have. It's just this big, oversized, soft, comfy shirt; the greatest thing. I would wear it when we have company for that nighttime trip to the bathroom. Or, nothing could beat it for lounging around the house on a Saturday afternoon.

I have had my blue nightshirt for more years than I can even remember. It's been washed so many times that it is softer than the softest cashmere. I am getting weepy here people!

I was getting laundry together tonight to throw in a couple of loads. I have been describing my blue nightshirt in the nicest possible light. The truth is, it's been washed so much that there really isn't much left other than the holes. I swear, if it went through one more washing, all I'd get out of the dryer would be a string. The sad day had come to realize that my favorite piece of clothing, my nightshirt, must be put to rest. (insert sad music here)

I made Ron come to the kitchen for my throwing away ceremony. I said a nice eulogy, bowed my head, and went to drop my nightshirt into the garbage. For some reason, my hand would not let it go. Maybe I wasn't ready yet.

Then Ron spoke up with his brilliant idea. (Yes he really does humor me way too much sometimes!) He said if I just cut a swatch from my nightshirt, I could have it with me for whenever I needed some comfort. Is he a great guy or what?!! Out came the scissors. I cut me a swatch about 3" x 3". That made it so much easier to throw the rest of it away. I think I got the last of any "fabric" that was left to it!

For anyone wishing visiting hours with my comfort swatch, it is now pinned up to the bulletin board here by my computer.

R.I.P., old friend. You served me well.

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