
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Welcome to the Windy City

Yes, dear friends, I am in Chicago. So much going on and no internet access! Aargh!

As most of you know, I am extremely challenged in many areas, technology just being one of them. Our hotel has wireless, but my laptop isn't set up for wireless. So, I get a bridge, most hotels offer them for free. Some are easy to use, some are beyond me.

This hotel's is beyond me. I tried on the one bridge, and the disk they included with the driver I just couldn't get to work. So, I walked it down to the front desk last night and asked for another one. Found out my problem is all OE. (operator error) Yes, the second bridge didn't work any better than the first. Crap. Now all I have to do in the hotel in the evenings is actually work. How wrong is that. This is seriously cutting down on my goofing off time. How does my boss expect me to keep up my blog let alone get any quality Pogo playing done? My life is so sad, huh?

One story for now about my trip out here. We had the ditzyest (if that's even a word) flight attendant I've ever seen. I swear I'd bet a paycheck that she would not have passed a sobriety test. And, this was the 7:30 a.m. flight. You have to work hard to be that looped still at 7:30 in the morning.

A few bloopers could be forgiven. Like she kept insisting that this flight was the non stop flight from Houston to Chicago. Even after a plane load of people kept correcting her that we were the non stop Cleveland to Chicago flight. In her world, she was leaving from Houston. Then we got a 10 minute lecture on "if you left your bags at the jetway, you need to pick your bags up back at the jetway when we reach Chicago. If you go to baggage claim you will be waiting there for a long time. By the time you make it back to this gate, the plane will no longer be here. Also, any luggage left on the jetway will be returned to the plane. Then where will you be? You packed your bags for a reason, didn't you? I don't suppose you would have packed if you didn't need what was in your bags. Maybe you have medicine in there, or your glasses or something else important. Now how would you feel if your bags ended up back in Houston without you while you are in Chicago?" I swear, she went on and on like that for 10 minutes! Some people were really laughing. Others like me where a bit frightened. She is supposed to be there for our safety after all. Yeah, right. I could go on and on about that one hour flight, but I guess I should get back to work.

I'll update when I can. This trip should be good for some stories if nothing else.

Stay tuned!

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