Last night, Ron and I hit the roads to do some shopping.
First, you have to know, I hate shopping. I really do. In spite of the title of this post. Especially at Christmas time. You'd think some sort of Christian spirit would be with people. Isn't that what this whole time of year is supposed to be about?
Unfortunately, the only spirit filling people is the spirit of "Me First" and I think a little of "Kill or Be Killed". Since when did K-mart shopping become a kamikaze mission?
Our purpose for being out in the battle zone wasn't even really any Christmas shopping. We needed survival stuff. We were in serious need of some Ice Melt for the ice in the driveway, and vacuum bags. My vacuum bag was so full, it wouldn't accept one more spec of dust! Knowing me, y'all can probably pretty much guess where this story is going.
We came home with almost everything . . . except . . . the Ice Melt and the vacuum bags.
In our defense, we looked more than one place and could not find a vacuum bag size J for an upright Eureka vacuum. We could find a size J belt and a size J hepa filter but no dang bags. The Ice Melt however, was totally overlooked until we got home and we slipped in the driveway unloading the van. Go figure.
The only good that came out of last night was we just about completed our Christmas shopping. I did need to stop today for a few last items, but the bulk of it was done last night.
As a side note to the Christmas shopping, I did have one moment of desperation at K-Mart. I actually stopped a young Hispanic couple with a cart full of toys to ask them if they knew any four year old girls. Just before they screamed for security, I added the fact that we had to buy for a four year old girl and we knew pretty much nothing about what a four year old girl would want! With their fears calmed, they gave us some good ideas of things that would work. So as not to tempt anyone into telling Ron's great-niece what we ended up getting her, I'm not telling here what it was!
I have one more gift to get, something for Dad. I know what I'm getting, I just haven't gone to the Dad's Gift Store yet to pick it up. And, before you ask, I'm not telling what this is either! I don't want anyone telling him before hand! It's gonna be a surprise. I will tell you, I know he'll love it!
A hint for shopping for the stuff you were after. FRom personal experience, I find that working nights is not necessarily a bad thing. When I need to go to Wallymart, I can go after midnight, and hardly have to worry about too many people in the store. And is relatively easy to find sales reps as they are all out filling shelves.