Tonight I was telling Ron what Christmas was like in our house when I was growing up.
Christmas Eve was THE night. Everyone would be over on Christmas Eve. Mom would go nuts making sure all the food would be ready and that the house would be clean. It was a frantic day for sure. But oh so worth it.
I told him stories of how the house would be full of people, and the table would be full of the good Slovak food. The fried perch, sweet rice, bubulki (both sauerkraut and poppy seed) and of course the lentil soup. Try explaining bubulki to someone who's never had it.
After dinner, time for dishes. As soon as the dishes were done, it was time to open presents! I swear I was never so happy to do dishes as I was on Christmas Eve! After presents, it seemed like it was time for Midnight Mass.
Tonight we were eating our Christmas Eve dinner, leftover Chinese food and leftover barbecue. Weird combination, but extremely tasty! Anyway, we're just finishing dinner when Ron kept asking me if the dishes were done yet. Why is he obsessing about the dang dishes? It's no one's "job" to do the dishes. I think we pretty much share in the dish doing responsibilities. So why does he keep asking me that?
Finally feeling like I've heard that enough, I finally ask him "why do you keep asking me that? If it bugs you, do the dishes!"
Of course, the joke was on me. Since telling him the story of my Christmas Past, he figured as soon as dishes were done we could open OUR presents! You never saw me move so fast, and Ron was right at my heels. The dishes were packed into the dishwasher, and the dishwasher was set to wash. Then we got to business.
Let me tell you, I musta been a very, very good girl! Santa treated me right!
May we all have a very Merry Christmas!
obviously you forgot about the oplatki and honey, and the blessing by the oldest with honey on the forehead! hmmmm so many memories!