
Monday, November 14, 2005

What's In A Dream?


Aside from being restless at night, my nights have also been filled with wacko dreams. I won't even get into the one where my boss and I are stuck on the 92nd floor of a skyscraper. Yes, that's Ninety Second Floor. Who would even believe that I of all people would go that high in any building let alone with my boss? But, I digress.

So, let me tell you about my latest dream.

This takes place at Aunt Mary's/Mom and Dad's. It doesn't look like it does now, but like it did then. Now that you have that picture, here we go.

Mom and Aunt Mary bought a dog. It was a good sized dark brownish, blackish dog. Mom was getting a water dish ready for the dog (no idea what his name was!) and wanted me to go downstairs to Aunt Mary's to get the dog.

I'm watching Mom get the dog's water dish ready. She is using one of Dad's insulin needles to suck up some Jose Cuervo tequila and squirting into the dog's water dish along with the water. I tried to reason with Mom, mentioning that the dog has already had a decongestant and a pain pill. He doesn't NEED any tequila! Mom assured me that the dog did indeed need the shot of tequila because she wanted to make sure the dog slept the night.

Wait! It gets worse.

I go downstairs to get the dog to bring him upstairs for his water. Billy is walking from the kitchen to the livingroom, pulling his pants down over his right butt cheek to show his new American Flag tattoo.

To recap:

Mom is still alive and she and Aunt Mary bought a dog that Mom wants to feed tequila. Not just any tequila, but Jose Cuervo tequila. That and Billy showing me half of his butt so I can see his new tattoo.

I may need therapy after this dream!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Well, what happened after the dog drank the water with the tequila?

    What happened with Billy's tattoo?

    Or did you wake upthen?
