
Monday, November 28, 2005

I Wasn't Fast Enough

Yep, I couldn't run fast enough. A dirty rotten cold caught up with me.

I was feeling a little punk yesterday. I thought it was the day, or the end of a long weekend or just feeling a little blue with the holiday. Ha. I was up half the night with a sore throat. Today, my dirty rotten cold hit me right in the face.

My face feels like it's swollen, my sinuses are so full. And, it's already backing up into my ears. Everything sounds like I'm underwater. I hate that.

But, I went to work anyway. Before I left, I grabbed a huge handful of tissues from the box, since my nose is running faster than most faucets. By 10:30 a.m., I was out of tissues. Lucky for me, there is a pharmacy right next door to where I'm working. So, I took a break, and headed downstairs and next door. Relief was just a few steps away.

Unfortunately, I had to run the gauntlet first. As in any downtown area in a larger city, I had to run the gauntlet of panhandlers. And trust me, they are everywhere. I get accosted every morning leaving the parking garage, crossing the street, trying to get into the door of my building. Keep in mind, I'm there before 7:00 a.m. It's still dark outside. One day I'm going to get mugged and probably shot because I'll try rebuffing him thinking he's a panhandler. Grr, I hate downtown.

Anyway, today at least I had a courteous panhandler. As I stated, I went next door to get some tissues and throat lozenges. My local panhandler opened the door for me going into the pharmacy, and he was waiting there to open the door for me to leave. Hey, with that service, how could I say not give up some cash?

Sharing the love as I like to say. And, I'm hearing Ron start to sneeze and snortle and cough behind me. I guess I shared some love with him too. Sorry, honey. A word for the wise out there....avoid our house for the next few days! If you choose to ignore this warning though....bring tissues. The ones with lotion, please!

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