
Thursday, November 10, 2005

I Can't Believe I Missed It!

I have not been sleeping well the last few nights.

I can't really pin it on anything in particular; I don't think I'm overly anxious about anything new, no new problems, no new issues. I'm pooped before bedtime, fall asleep more or less ok but I just don't stay that way.

Then I can't get comfy. I really don't like our bed, but that's really a whole other story. Regardless, I don't think I can blame my recent restlessness totally on the bed. So, I lay there only so long and then work my way downstairs to the livingroom.

I recline on the recliner, cover with my favorite blanket, take remote control in hand and confirm that there is nothing worth watching on TV after 3:30 in the morning. In case anyone cares, there are really no entertaining infomercials quite like the ones from Ronco. But, I digress.

At 5:00 this morning, I came across a show on one of the ESPN channels. It was a fishing show. YES, I like to watch fishing shows! Anyway, there were two guys on the back of a sports fishing boat. I didn't catch where they were, but the water was blue and absolutely gorgeous.

The announcer for the show sounded very ominous. When I first came across it while channel surfing, I almost thought it was a movie. The announcer kept making comments like "if only they knew the monster they were dealing with" or "too bad they didn't realize the kind of beast they were about to meet". That sure piqued my interest.

Two guys, back of a sports fishing boat, one pole bending into the water with the owner of the pole shouting "I think it's a marlin! I think it's a marlin! It HAS to be a marlin!!!" Sure enough, this beast broke out of the water! What a magnificent creature! I thought I was mesmerized with the show.

One guy fighting the marlin for all he was worth. The other guy offering tips on how to win this fight along with an estimation that this fish weighed close to 300 pounds! Still, that dang announcer spouting crap with words like "monster", "beast", "caution" and all that.

We go to commercial at 5:20 a.m. What do I do? Fall ASLEEP! The worst part is I woke up right about 5:30 a.m.! Hello?? The only thing I missed was the end of the dang show! So....was anyone else up this morning watching ESPN? What the heck happened? Did the guy win the fight and bag his prize marlin? Did the marlin win and skewer the guy on the boat? What happened????

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