
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

End of the Season

Well, here we are. The end of another long, tedious season.

No, I'm not talking baseball. Or football or basketball or any of those other things. Unfortunately I'm not even talking about the winter season. I'm talking about the always dreaded election season.

I complain about my elected officials. Well, some of them. But, I'm out there reading up on the issues and out there voting every election day. Since I'm out there voting, I have every right to voice my opinion about how my officials are doing.

That aside, I am so tired of all of the signs in yards, political backstabbing and pimping via television ads. Monday night was about the worst! Made me long for the days of Budweiser and Vonage commercials.

Welcome to the day after the election. Ok, the commercials have stopped. Let's get the front yards picked up now and send the signs out with the trash. And for heaven's sake, quit the jabbering how you knew all along that you'd be elected and get to work!

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