
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Let's Go Shopping With No Money

Last night, Ron and I made a stop at a dollar store. You know, for some things, you just can't beat a dollar store.

We just had a few items in our hands when we headed to the checkout counter. Paper plates, batteries, an ashtray (there will be a blog about that to come) and a couple of other things I can't remember right now. The line at the counter was through the store! There had to be eight to 10 people in line at one register.

The woman at the register finally said she couldn't ring anyone up until someone came back from the ATM with money! Hello?? Why couldn't she cancel that sale and ring up the rest of us in line? Because the person with no money tried to purchase 82 items and she didn't want to have to ring all that up again! When I asked her why she couldn't just open another register, she just walked away in disgust.

Heck of a way to run a business. Me, being the hard head that I am, put my items by the register, stated my opinion about the cashier hiding from the line of people and maybe a comment or two about the idiot that got over on the dollar store and walked out.

I wonder how long the dollar store employees waited for this person to come back with the money for their 82 items. I'm still willing to bet they never did.

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