
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Can You Hear Me Now?

I am moving up in the world.

No, my boss still won't give me a promotion or a raise, but what he did give me was . . . a cell phone!

Yes, I now have a cell phone paid for by work. I have hit the big time! A few problems though with the new acquisition.

Bells. Whistles. Buttons. Aargh! Read back....I'm sure I've mentioned in a post or two that I am technically challenged. Yes, my friends, this includes cell phones.

I got the phone on Friday. I spent a good part of the weekend and this morning figuring out how to set the voicemail. And, how to dial a call. Anything else, I'll make someone else figure out or just forget it. Before anyone suggests it, no I can't just read the manual. Corporate obviously didn't think I needed one. All I got was the phone and a charger.

Let's review. New cell phone, don't know how to work it. Ok. On to my real story.

I am on the audit site today, working away like a good little worker bee. My boss decides to use my new cell phone to call me! Hey, I appreciate that. However, I heard something ringing and just looked around like everyone else was doing. No one could figure out where that ringing was coming from! My personal cell phone is always on vibrate, so I knew it wasn't my phone.

Um. Well, you probably guessed. By the time I figured out it was MY laptop bag that was ringing, I missed the call! Oh great! Now I had to figure out how to check the voicemail.

What a day. Hopefully by the end of the week, I'll recognize what my cell phone sounds like. Welcome to the big time!

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