
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Reality Update

Last night was the bomb of reality tv watching! Two finales of my favorite shows.

First up was Big Brother 6. The final two that were left were from the "nerd herd" as my buddy Howie (one of the houseguests) called them. If that's what I had to choose from why watch the show. But, a finale is a finale and I love all the pomp, circumstance and hoopla that brings. So I watched. There was some final back biting and dirty looks so all was good in my world! In case anyone cares, Maggie won. I guess she was the lesser of two evils. I swear, I was going to scream if I had to hear Ivette cry one more time. Now it's only nine more months or so until Big Brother 7!

Following on the heels of BB6 was my new favorite, Rock Star: INXS. WOW! Ok, I know it's cheesy, but the music was great and the House Band absolutely was awesome. I enjoyed every minute of what I saw and heard. Ron downloaded songs for me from the show and I listen to them a lot. There wasn't anything I didn't like about this show. The big winner was J.D. Fortune. He might not have been my personal favorite, but he was definitely the right choice for the band. Look and listen for J.D.'s original song, Pretty Vegas, hopefully coming soon. I'm not critic but I loved that song. I will definitely buy it if it's ever released by INXS.

Ok, now what? Last night, I started withdrawals. What am I to watch? What am I to hash over the water cooler? What will keep my mind busy now? Oh my gosh, who is my favorite and who do I want voted out?!? AARGH!

Luckily, I came to my senses. I realized that the new Survivor just started last week. This one might actually be the most difficult season of Survivor. The first week had the survivors starting their stay with an 11-1/2 mile hike through the jungles of Guatemala. The one team almost lost half their team to dehydration from the hike! It was not cool watching Bobby Jon's eyes roll back into his head. Ew. Heaven knows I'm all about reality tv but c'mon. I don't wanna watch anyone dying on me!

And tonight....Martha Stewart's Apprentice! Oh baby! Ok, everyone can quit rolling their eyes right now. I am a reality junkie. I love this crap! Yes, it follows The Donald's format. That's ok though, because that format works. And, the camera likes Martha. She seems to come across very well. She didn't end the show with The Donald's signature "you're fired" but rather "you don't fit in, good bye." Very nice. Martha's signature to the show was as soon as the fired candidate was out of the conference room (please note, no board room this time) she took out a piece of stationary and started a letter to the fired candidate wishing them well and telling them it was nice to meet them. I guess that's the ladylike thing to do. Always send a personal letter!

The best part about Martha's show was the previews for next week! We hear Martha, in her sominex voice telling someone "There is no crying in business, my dear". Can it get any better than that?!!

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