
Monday, September 05, 2005


Some days, it doesn't pay to try to save a few cents.

Let's talk fabric softener. I buy only liquid fabric softener. I used to always buy Snuggles, but the scent I liked the most, they no longer produce. So, I've switched back to Downy. The last time we bought fabric softener though, I tried to save a few cents and bought a bottle of Gain instead.

BIG mistake.

Yesterday, I was doing laundry and finished the last of the Downy and had to open the Gain. One of the loads of laundry I did using the Gain was the sheets. The sheets were washed, dried and put right back on the bed. Holy cow, they now stink. I can't tell you how many times I woke up last night, smelling the Gain on the sheets. I feel it smells so much I can now taste it. I don't think I am going to last through this whole bottle. Next trip to the store will definitely find me buying more fabric softener, this time back to Downy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    TAKE IT BACK!!! Get your butt and your SMELLY fabric softner and return it to the store!! Tell them that your "husband" bought it and that you are returning it because he bought the "wrong brand!" Wal-Mart falls for any TAKE IT BACK!!
