I didn't think my owie was healing well.
This week in particular, starting Monday, it really started hurting again. It was feeling like something was trying to crawl out of there. To top that off, I have had a lot of drainage again. I know, more info than you wanted! But it's been almost a month and I don't think it should still be draining.
Well, we went back to see the surgeon today. He gave it a good look and told me at least it's not infected! The story is . . . when he cut the tumor out, it left an empty space where it used to be. He closed the skin over it, saying it would fill in on its own. It filled with fluid, which is normal after an injury. The fluid should have been reabsorbed by my body, but for some reason it wasn't. The space was full of fluid and it had to go somewhere. So, my incision split a bit and the fluid started coming out.
At the office, the surgeon took an alcohol pad and worked it back and forth over the incision to soften up the scab I still had. Once it was softened, he took the scab off and even ended up cutting out a stitch! So, here we are.
My healing homework is to keep it clean, and keep it scab free. He showed Ron how to clean it, which we just got done doing. I feel like an idiot going in now. I really thought it was infected again. The pain has been subsiding since Monday though. I guess just the relief of the fluid leaking out and not pressing. Now the scab is off, it doesn't look so icky.
Here's hoping this is the last update on my owie!
LOL, hmm, you are staring to sound like that diesel car you once owned. After about 100,000 miles, you are starting to constantly leak a little fluids. Might be time to trade up to a less leaky model body. Just kidding, we still love ya.